Tuesday, April 24, 2012


In life, there are so many ironies. So many that I can't list them all. For example, breathing is easiest thing to do but it is the most essential process in the human body system to sustain life. Well, I really have to stop writing fancy and this is also an irony too. I plan to do it, but I don't. Today, I'm going to talk about the irony behind studying which everyone who lives in our world feels very boring and uninteresting. First, they say studying is a very easy task, however they also say that studying is also very hard task to do which really makes one feel really exhausted and wasted. It really is not making sense. How is it easy when it is making people feel very exhausted and wasted? Or maybe I'm just not in the modern world yet.Will Someone please tell me when easy became the new hard? Of course for me studying is really hard task and it's never been easy. They say that studying hard will make the future life very enjoyable and yet they tell us to enjoy the life. Maybe it means that enjoy life as in general which makes the present life very boring and annoying and make the future life very enjoyable that the boredom which I took before will be way less than the future fun. In other words, take 50 boredom now and take more than just 50 fun in the future so that you can say that you've "generally" enjoyed your life. How could I say I enjoyed it when supposedly the best part of my life has become the worst, boring part of my life? I doubt that I'd say I enjoyed my life if I lived like that doing nothing but studying for the rest of my childhood and adolescence. The irony in studying is really countless and I'd love to not hear the rest of them.

1 comment:

  1. I hear you. Sometimes I wish I had all the answers and that I was the best teacher in the world so that I wouldn't bore you or teach things that feel meaningless. They may seem that way right now, but hopefully you will learn their value someday. :)
