Sunday, April 29, 2012

"Educational" Field Trip

The "Educational" Field Trip was fun and educational. The students learned that the wall climbing was nothing but a simple thing. They just had to listen to the instructors which they were not capable of during that time. They had also learned the ways in how to throw people in to the water with force. The student did not need any instructors to teach them how to throw a person into the water. However this "educational" field trip was not such a disaster and it was, said by many others and based on the analysis of the satisfaction level of the students, great and would want this kind of thing once again. Well I was hoping much of the same thing that made my endothermic body temperature to lower, and caught a cold that had also distracted me from the musical beats and rhythms. Oh how I would love to go to field trip again.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


In life, there are so many ironies. So many that I can't list them all. For example, breathing is easiest thing to do but it is the most essential process in the human body system to sustain life. Well, I really have to stop writing fancy and this is also an irony too. I plan to do it, but I don't. Today, I'm going to talk about the irony behind studying which everyone who lives in our world feels very boring and uninteresting. First, they say studying is a very easy task, however they also say that studying is also very hard task to do which really makes one feel really exhausted and wasted. It really is not making sense. How is it easy when it is making people feel very exhausted and wasted? Or maybe I'm just not in the modern world yet.Will Someone please tell me when easy became the new hard? Of course for me studying is really hard task and it's never been easy. They say that studying hard will make the future life very enjoyable and yet they tell us to enjoy the life. Maybe it means that enjoy life as in general which makes the present life very boring and annoying and make the future life very enjoyable that the boredom which I took before will be way less than the future fun. In other words, take 50 boredom now and take more than just 50 fun in the future so that you can say that you've "generally" enjoyed your life. How could I say I enjoyed it when supposedly the best part of my life has become the worst, boring part of my life? I doubt that I'd say I enjoyed my life if I lived like that doing nothing but studying for the rest of my childhood and adolescence. The irony in studying is really countless and I'd love to not hear the rest of them.

Friday, April 20, 2012


Last April 19Th 2012, at Acacia hotel, MIT held their third Junior Senior Promenade with the theme of 'Amplified'. The hotel was very nice, enough to fit everyone and having a very nice lighting was most admirable. There was a very little irony there with the theme of the promenade and the sound systems. They had a very bad amplifier that made a very strange sounds and the grade 9's performance was very funny and not very amplified in terms of sounds. Well let's cut this stupid critical bullshit. I think the prom went really well and it was a moment to keep for ourselves. I really do not understand why John was so disappointed about this prom but I could have actually seen that the SCB really put their effort in to it. I am so looking forward to next prom.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The sixth sense

We humans have five senses in general. The sense of smell, the sense of taste, the sense of sight, the sense of touch, the sense of hearing. These senses are all very essential to the life of every human being in the world. Imagine yourself not acquiring one of the senses. It is very disturbing indeed. However, in order for someone to become a individual in the society and finally be acknowledged as a person, we need the sixth sense. The sixth sense is called as the common sense. Of course, this is very obvious and in what way genius because we never thought of the sixth sense this way. By the impact of the movie, the sixth sense, we think of the sixth sense as the senses that can spot ghosts or something supernatural. However, there are lots of other senses in the world we might also need in order to survive this world. One example is humor sense which I failed to obtain. I think the people should be very much aware of these senses and put uses in to them because some people does not have one such as Tom Noh in 9B class of MITIS.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Tips on what to do when you are home alone

These are the tips on what you may do to relinquish your boredom when you are at home alone.

Tip 1. After coming finishing School, do your homework right away.
Tip 2. Do not turn on your computer or laptop until your work is done
Tip 3. After finishing your homework, try not to sleep unless you are a college student.
Tip 4. If ever you are a college student, tips I'm giving you is not applicable. So I recommend you just get out of this blog right now.
Tip 5. If ever you are an adult with a job , you don't need this shit so press the x mark on the upper right part of your desktop.
Tip 6. Look at your room
Tip 7. If messy, clean it. Now
Tip 8. When you are done cleaning your room, clean the whole house.
Tip 9. When you are done with cleaning your house, do not grab a cigarette and smoke but try the shower.
Tip 10. It will be about dinner after doing all those stuffs so eat. You can't cook like your mother can, so get out of the house and buy something to eat. You don't have some money with you? It's okay. Just go over to your friend's house and have dinner with them. But you must get your friend's permission first.
Tip 11. Try to play with your friend. If he or she is not done with the homework, show yours.
Tip 12. Go back to your house by 9 O'clock.
Tip 13. Now, turn on your computer and play games.
Tip 14. If you are not into playing games, just go in front of the TV, and watch some news, dramas, or anything that will please you.
Tip 15. If you are not also pleased by watching TV, the last option is that you go out of your house again and run around your village until you are totally exhausted.
Tip 16. It will be almost time for you to go to bed by then. So now you sleep.

(as mentioned at Tip 4 and 5, Adults and college students are not affected by doing these tips and you know it very well yourself and if you have read through everything, then it's either you are a jobless adult or Ms.Mae)

These tips comes from my own experience of self living.
good night people!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Prom is on next week Thursday... Already!
I knew that starting this year I'm going to experience it and I thought I would be kinda ready for it or something but I was most definitely wrong. I don't have a date and worse, I don't even have a suit. I'd better start looking for one and I can't afford to have any date neither in school nor out school. It would be a waste of money if I didn't go there at all and what else can I do there?

Saturday, April 7, 2012


From April 4 to April 6, I went to an outreach with my church people for it was an activity from the church. I didn't want to go there at first because it would be tiring, I have to do my undone homework, I need to work on my Social Studies project and I still need to practice my guitar. I still went there even though I didn't want to. I was helping people like giving them clothes, playing with them, and sharing foods with them but fuck!!! why the hell did they have to live so far away! I had to go over several mountains to get to them and took us 4 to 5 hours to get there! I got a lot of sun burns and I've lost a lot of weight. If I got anything from this experience, that would be knowledge for survival in crucial conditions of the mountains. I ate food with my bare hand, not enough water supply, no electricity. Can you even imagine walking more than 15 kilometers? Wow... I can't even believe it myself that I've done that thing... Right now my skin is burning... I wonder Jesus walked for more than 15 kilometers and carried a bag that weighed more than 10 kilograms... I wonder... It was not a pleasant experience but very memorable and somehow helpful.